Maria Christodoulou


Maria Christodoulou is a clinical herbalist exploring the wisdom and whimsy of ancient Greek herbal medicine. In a previous lifetime, she lived on a farm in ancient Greece and found the cure for plagues. Maria grew up in New York and currently lives in Athens, Greece, where she offers plant walks, tours, and virtual courses. She is the author of “The Greek Herbalist’s Guide to the National Garden, Athens” and a regular contributor to the Herbal Academy. She has been published in the Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation on her visit to the Greek island home of Juliette de Bairacli Levy (1912-2009) and was recently awarded a grant from the Society for Classical Studies at New York University to compile herbal remedies in Greece (submissions welcome!). Maria is also the chapter coordinator of Herbalists Without Borders, Athens, Greece through which she has worked with local and refugee populations.
