Kimberly Gallagher, MEd has been working with the healing plants for more than 20 years. She is co-founder with her husband, John Gallagher, of, an established online herbal education website. For many years, Kimberly has been actively exploring healthy sexuality, which involves the power of sexuality for healing and erotic energy as source energy for creative, vital living. She is the author of Aphrodisiac, The Herbal Path to Healthy Sexual Fulfillment and Vital Living. Kimberly is an ordained minister at her Trail of Beauty ministry, where sacred sensuality is at the heart of her work.
Kimberly also created the Wildcraft! board game, which has sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide, and is author of the Herb Fairies children’s books. She is passionate about empowering kids and adults alike with herbal knowledge and loves to teach through play.