Dr.Raviraja Shetty G, did his Ph.D in Horticulture from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India. He worked on biodiversity, crop improvement, propagation and conservation of Rare, Endangered and Threatened (RET) medicinal plants of Western Ghats. He has handled DST – Fast track young scientist project entitled Exploration, Conservation and Utilization of RET Medicinal plants of Western Ghats. Dr. Shetty has received Environmentalist of the Year-2010 award by National Environmental Science Academy, New-Delhi, Young Scientist of the year 2014 award by Scientific and Environmental Research Institute, Kolkata, Scientist of year award 2020 by National Environmental Science Academy, New-Delhi and Best Faculty award by Education Expo TV, EET- CRS, Noida. Recently he has been conferred with “Biodiversity Conservation award” from Karnataka Biodiversity Board.