Structural Pain Management (Audio)

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The following audio presentation was recorded live at the 14th International Herb Symposium, June 2019.

In order to excel at creating an effective herbal pain-relieving formula, it is important to understand how pain is created in the body, and how to match classes of herbs to patterns of pain physiology. Chronic pain frequently arises from issues of the structural system, necessitating a comprehensive assessment of this system as well as a therapeutic model to plug herbs into. Understanding the reasons, root causes, and mechanisms of pain in the body lead us to choosing herbs unique to each person and situation.

In this intensive, I will present a model of assessment for structural system pain and use real examples from my practice to exemplify how to build effective herbal formulas for different pain presentations. Included classifications will be systemic anti-inflammatories, topical anti-inflammatories, topical analgesics, central acting analgesics, antispasmodics, hypnotic analgesics, vulneraries, and more. In addition, we will touch on non-herbal treatments such as body work and stretching, that can be beneficial for each type of pain presentation.

Please note that all courses and lessons from the 14th International Herb Symposium are audio only. Transcriptions are unavailable at this time. Featured image by Formulate Health. Image source: Flickr.

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  • Class Recording